Registration is open for the 25th cohort
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Get Ready to Parent Without Confusion, Frustration, Anxiety or Tension

You've spent a lot of money on parenting classes to cope with your challenging children's behavior but you're still scratching your head.
Do any of these sound like you?
Do you crave a warm loving relationship with your kids but...
Spending time with your kids feels like a chore.
You're still seeking that elusive punishment that will make your kids really listen.
You have knots in your stomach thinking about how you will survive another day with your intense child.
Everything you have tried hasn't made a difference or has made the situation worse.
You are always buying prizes to externally motivate your children to listen.

Imagine how it would feel if you knew exactly what to do in every situation.
What if you could...
HAVE A STRATEGY that's effective with children of ALL ages.
Know what to do when your child acts out and when your child doesn't act out.
Feel and be empowered.
Experience peace and pleasure in your home!
Find purpose and meaning in ordinary moments.

"I just don't have time..."
All classes are recorded live and will be available with audio recording for the duration of the series. ​
If you can take a few minutes to scroll through social media, you can press play to listen to a recording that will change your life.
"I can't afford it..."
My schedule is too hectic!
This isn't in my budget
What price tag would you attach to a happy home with a calm, emotionally regulated mother running the show? What I would have given to learn the Nurtured Heart Approach® fifteen years ago!
I went through “blood, sweat, and tears” until I learned this approach, and with my OWN LIFE EXPERIENCE, how to implement it on a practical level. And now you don’t have to.
"Been there, done that..."
We're already working with a professional
The Nurtured Heart Approach® will support you and your child, and will complement your journey with the professional in your life and hasten its success.

What People Are Saying
Interested in more reviews? Don’t hesitate! Get in touch today!